Apple recently voiced concerns over the potential sale of its customer data as part of RadioShack’s bankruptcy filing. As an authorized reseller of Apple’s products, RadioShack is sitting on a collection of customer data of Apple product owners. According to Law360, Apple has formally objected to any data on its product sales through RadioShack being made available for sale citing the reseller agreement between the two companies and its interest of protecting personal data. “In order to protect its customers’ personal information, Apple oversees the collection and use of customer information collected by its retail partners, including RadioShack,” Apple said. “The reseller agreement between Apple and RadioShack protects information collected by RadioShack regarding purchasers of Apple products and prohibits the proposed sale of such information.”

Apple isn’t alone in filing an objection with the bankruptcy court over the sale of customer information as AT&T filed a similar objection, eventually settling with RadioShack in an agreement not to sell its customer data as the once iconic electronic shop sells off its assets. The state of Texas previously filed its own objection in the case claiming RadioShack’s privacy policy prohibited the sale of customer data in any event.

Still, the sale of RadioShack’s name and customer data won approval at the auction level from the bankruptcy court with Standard General winning the auction with a $26.2 million bid yesterday.

Apple’s objection to its customer data being included in that package is still pending, however, while the bankruptcy court still has to approve the sale following yesterday’s auction.

(Photo via Flickr)