Since the launch of the Call of Duty Warzone 2 game, the craze has been unmatchable. The game has already broken the record for being the selling game. If you are crazy about Call of Duty: Warzone 2, and want to be very competitive, you need to set your graphics to the best settings to give you that extra advantage over others. But what are the best graphics settings for the game? 

In this article, we will discuss the best graphics settings of Call of Duty Warzone 2. We will give you the best graphics settings for PlayStation, PC, and Xbox. However, Graphics settings solely depend upon your set up but these settings work for most of the game setup.

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Best Graphics Settings for Call of Duty: Warzone 2

There are many reasons you should opt for the best graphics settings, you can change your FPS to the highest value to get real-time updates about your enemy’s location. A low FPS can sometimes not exactly shoots at the enemy. Please go through these settings for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC one by one.

Best Graphics Settings for Warzone 2 on PC

For FPS you need to have a great monitor too. If you have a 60 Hz monitor, even your 120HZ settings won’t make any difference. 

You need to get the best graphics settings for the PC, you have to go through these settings 

  • Go to the settings, and from there head over to the Quality menu
  • Use the following settings for the best possible FPS of the game.

For the Global Quality

These settings will help to increase and enhance the overall display quality of the game.

  • Put Quality Presets into the Custom
  • Set Render Resolution to 100%
  • Set Upscaling/Sharpening to FidelityFX CAS
  • FidelityFX CAS Strength to  80
  • Put Anti-Aliasing to SMAA T2X
  • Anti-Aliasing Quality: Low
  • Video Memory Scale: 90

For Details and Texture

These settings will help to make the game textures including character and terrain sharp.

  • Texture Resolution: Low
  • Texture Filter Anisotropic: Normal
  • Nearby Level of Detail: High
  • Distant Level of Detail: High
  • Clutter Draw Distance:
  • Particle Quality: Low
  • Particle Quality Level: Low
  • Bullet Impacts & Sprays: Off
  • Shader Quality: Low
  • Tesselation: Off
  • Terrain Memory: Max
  • On-Demand Texture Streaming: Off
  • Streaming Quality: Low
  • Volumetric Quality: Low
  • Deferred Physics Quality: Off
  • Water Caustics: Off

For Shadow and lighting

This will help in making shadows and lights in the game realistic. These settings are quite heavy, so only configure them if you have a good dedicated GPU installed.

  • Shadow Map Resolution: Low
  • Screen Space Shadows: Off
  • Spot Shadow Quality: Low
  • Spot Cache: Low
  • Particle Lighting: Normal
  • Ambient Occlusion: Off
  • Screen Space Reflections: Off
  • Static Reflection Quality: Low
  • Weather Grid Volumes: Off

For Post Processing Effects

These are some additional settings which will enhance the gameplay effects.

  • Nvidia Reflex Low Latency: On
  • Depth of Field: Off
  • World Motion Blur: Off
  • Weapon Motion Blur: Off
  • Film Grain: 0.00

Best Graphics Settings for Warzone 2 on PlayStation

If you are a PS5 player, to get the upper hand please go through these settings of the game.


  • Navigate to the settings of the game
  • Select graphics
  • And make sure to put your FPS to 120HZ to get smooth operations.
  • Put these settings for the PS5
  • On-Demand Texture Streaming: Off
  • World Motion Blur: Off
  • Weapon Motion Blur: Off
  • Film Grain: 0.00
  • Depth of Field: Off
  • Fidelity CAS: On
  • Fidelity CAS Strength: 50
  • 120 HZ Refresh Rate: On (this is important)
  • Field of View: 120 (not for FPS but for performance generally)
  • 1st Person Camera Movement: At Least 50%
  • 3rd Person Camera Movement: At Least 50%

Best Graphics Settings for Warzone 2 on Xbox

If you are Xbox series X|S player you need to put these settings to work. Go to settings and click graphics and use these settings for the game

  • On-Demand Texture Streaming: Off
  • World Motion Blur: Off
  • Weapon Motion Blur: Off
  • Film Grain: 0.00
  • Depth of Field: Off
  • Fidelity CAS: On
  • Fidelity CAS Strength: 75
  • 120 HZ Refresh Rate: On (this is important)
  • Field of View: 120 (not for FPS but for performance generally)
  • 1st Person Camera Movement: At Least 50%
  • 3rd Person Camera Movement: At Least 50%


Settings for the games are essential for the gameplay, for smooth gameplay you need to put these settings On. However, your hardware is solely responsible for the 120Hz FPS in your PC. You need to get a great GPU and processors to play 120HZ gameplay. Apply the above settings and enjoy your gameplay.

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