We know how the players are excited about playing World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Many players are looking for tips to play the game while others are searching for the best Havoc Demon hunter builds. With the help of different builds, you will be able to play the game using the abilities that will be unlocked by winning the matches. However, it is important to know about the best builds. Continue reading this guide till the end to know about it.

Best Havoc Demon Hunter Builds in World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Havoc is one of the characters that are available in the game. This character comes with great mobility, area of effect, and great damage. It is one of the best characters that you can use in the game. However, you will still need to have the correct builds to play against some strongest bosses. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with the builds of Havoc.

For Races

There are only two races that you can play Demon Hunter. There are not too many choices that are offered. You will only get to be Horde or Alliance. When you will see their racial abilities, then both of them are good. Now, let’s check out their abilities below.

Blood Elf

  • Arcane Torrent (active): Through this, one beneficial effect from all the enemies will be removed which is within eight yards and generates eighteen Fury.
  • Arcane Acuity (passive): This Arcane Acuity increases the critical strike by 1%.

Night Elf

  • Shadowmeld (active): It is an instant stealth that let you drop aggro with enemies.
  • Quickness (passive): This increases the chance of ranged and melee attacks by two per cent. Apart from it, the movement speed is increased by two per cent.
  • Touch of Elune (passive): This increases the haste by one per cent during the night. It increases the critical strike in the day by one per cent.

Here we will suggest that you should choose Blood Elf. We are suggesting this because of the Arcane Torrent that will help you in removing beneficial effects as well as generate eighteen fury.

Main Demon Hunter Tree

Here is the Demon Hunter Tree that you should check for the build.

First Row

  • Vengeful Retreat: This is an important mobility spell for specialization and you will be not able to do anything with it. It is because this is available in the game for free.

  • Blazing Path: It is another talent that will increase your mobility. It will be good if you are using the Momentum Build.

  • Sigil of Flame: It is for generating Fury.

Second Row

  • Unrestrained Fury (2/2): It is a Fury pool which can help in preventing the overlapping of Fury.
  • Imprison: It can be used to access the other talents in the game.

Third Row

  • Improved Disrupt: It is an important skill that will help in increasing the range during melee fights. By using this, you will be able to reach your targets easily.
  • Bouncing Glaives: This will be a good choice for the area of effect and cleave fights. This talent is focused on the Glaive Throw, thus using it for single-target fights will be not a good choice.
  • Consume Magic: It is similar to the Imprison, used to access the later added talents.

Fourth Row

  • Pursuit: Enhances mobility.
  • Felblade: Helps in generating fury.
  • Charred Warblades: This talent will improve the survivability of the character.

Fifth Row

  • Master of the Glaive: This talent will increase the number of buttons to press. Along with it, this will help in area-of-effect build to get near Chaos Nova.
  • Rush of Chaos: Through this, you will get a reduced cooldown.
  • Lost in Darkness: It will help you to get to the Sigil of Misery which is in the next row.

Sixth Row

  • Chaos Nova: A much-needed talent for area-of-effect fights.
  • Soul Rending (2/2): It will increase the Leech that will help you in your survivability.
  • Sigil of Misery: Another talent required for area-of-effect fights. You will get to it with the help of Lost in Darkness.

Seventh Row

  • Unleashed Power: This is another talent that you can use for area-of-effect crowd control. But for this, you will need to have Chaos Nova as it is dependent on it.
  • Illidari Knowledge (2/2): It will increase survivability.
  • Demonic: It will increase the cooldown for the Metamorphosis.
  • Will of the Illidari (2/2): It will increase your health which will adversely help your survivability.

Eighth Row

  • Internal Struggle: It will increase the Chaos damage which means you will be able to give more damage to your enemies.
  • Darkness: Increases defensive ability that will surely help you out during the match.

Ninth Row

  • Erratic Felheart (2/2): It will increase the mobility lowering the cooldown on Fel Rush.
  • The Hunt: This will help you in dealing with high damages and will help you in healing faster.

Tenth Row


  • Collective Anguish: This is just more area-of-effect damage and survivability through healing.
  • Unnatural Malice: It will increase the Hunt ability.

Cleave Build

  • Eye Beam

  • Demon Blades

  • Felfire Heart

  • First Blood

  • Furious Throws

  • Burning Hatred

  • Critical Chaos (2/2)

  • Dancing with Fate (2/2)

  • Initiative

  • Chaotic Transformation

  • Trail of Ruin

  • Unbound Chaos (2/2)

  • Looks Can Kill

  • Growing Inferno (2/2)

  • Tactical Retreat

  • Burning Wound

  • Momentum

  • Accelerating Blade

  • Ragefire

  • Know Your Enemy (2/2)

  • Fodder to the Flame

  • Soulrend (2/2)

  • Essence Break

  • Any Means Necessary

Single-Target Build

There are two types of the build available in the Single-Target Build. For the first one, you will get the Momentum build and the second one will be based on the non-momentum build. We will give you details for both builds. Make sure to check them below.

Momentum Build

  • Improved Chaos Strike

  • Demon Blades

  • Demonic Appetite

  • First Blood

  • Unbound Chaos (2/2)

  • Blind Fury (2/2)

  • Looks Can Kill

  • Tactical Retreat

  • Isolated Prey

  • Furious Gaze

  • Momentum

  • Chaos Theory

  • Inner Demon

  • Know Your Enemy (2/2)

  • Cycle of Hatred (2/2)

  • Fodder to the Flame

  • Essence Break

  • Shattered Destiny

Non-Momentum Build

  • Improved Chaos Strike

  • Demon Blades

  • Felfire Heart

  • Demonic Appetite

  • First Blood

  • Burning Hatred

  • Dancing with Fate (2/2)

  • Chaotic Transformation

  • Trail of Ruin

  • Blind Fury (2/2)

  • Looks Can Kill

  • Growing Inferno (2/2)

  • Isolated Prey

  • Furious Gaze

  • Relentless Onslaught

  • Burning Wound

  • Chaos Theory

  • Inner Demon

  • Know Your Enemy (2/2)

  • Glaive Tempest

  • Cycle of Hatred (2/2)

  • Fodder to the Flame

Wrapping Up

We hope your confusion related to the best build is now resolved. In this guide, we have listed the build for different purposes that will help you in understanding the talents. That’s all for this guide, see you in the next one. If you have any doubts, then do let us know in the comment section below.